Verschlagwortet: Iranistik
Elia Weber has been able to spend the summer as a visiting researcher at Kyōto University in Japan. The stay not only enriched his dissertation project. The BerGSAS doctoral student’s time was also shaped by new acquaintances, magnificent landscapes and Japan’s rich cultural heritage. In his report, he takes us on his visits to the temples and shrines in Kyōto, Hiroshima, Ōsaka as well as Nara and gives us insights into his progressing PhD project.
Soheil Delshad ist Absolvent der Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies und hat seine Promotion im Fach Iranistik in diesem Jahr erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Hier beantwortet er Fragen zu seinem Dissertationsthema, spricht über Herausforderungen während der Promotionsphase und gibt Tipps für Promovierende.
From 26 August to 6 September 2019, students and scholars from around the world came together at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities to learn about life in ancient Central Asia from leading experts in the field in the summer school “Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road”.